Jump Simulation  |  ARCHES Grant
UI & UX Designer (internship)
The user experience and user interface design work I produced during my summer internship at Jump Simulation (part of OSF in Peoria, IL) in 2018 for one of their ARCHES grant projects, Heart Failure app. This was experimental design work that I did as a side project to my primary work at Jump on our Rube-E app. These screens were meant to explore the potential design choices that could be made as the app progresses along its timeline.
This was and is an important project because it is designed to help patients with heart conditions to better manage their conditions in encouraging and fun ways while also keeping doctors informed about their progress. It would also aid in showing patients their status in innovative ways using the latest tech in medical visualization.
Digital Mockups
Jakob Plotts | Artist • UX Designer • Programmer | 2019